10 AI Tools That You Should Be Using In Your Business This Year


Here are 10 AI tools that you can use today to help increase productivity and, hopefully, profits.

There is little doubt that artificial intelligence (AI), a topic that is frequently discussed these days, will have a significant effect on our companies during the next several years. But what about this moment? The next article will present ten AI technologies that may be used immediately to assist in increasing productivity and perhaps profitability.

1. ChatGPT

It actually does have a lot of features that a company owner might be excited about. This is the conversational chatbot developed by OpenAI that ignited the frenzy in the latter part of last year. Use it to conduct sophisticated arithmetic, design HR rules, analyse your website to optimise search results, write blogs, propose better methods to generate emails, and do a variety of other tasks. You should also experiment with the Dall-E 2 software from OpenAI, which can generate pictures from text instructions (such as “a horse standing by a river”) that may be used on your website or in business communications.

2. Microsoft Copilot

Since ChatGPT is hosted by Microsoft servers and Microsoft owns 49% of OpenAI, a significant portion of ChatGPT’s capabilities will soon be included in the Copilot app, which can already be used with Bing searches and will play a significant role in Office in the coming year. You may use Copilot to edit presentations, generate templates, analyse spreadsheets, and even have it represent you in team meetings.

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3. Google Bard/Duet

The application that will leverage Bard’s underlying Large Language Model to run Google’s business apps in a manner akin to Microsoft Copilot is called Duet. Bard is Google’s response to ChatGPT. Within the next six months, these functionalities are anticipated to be released, although Gmail is already employing Bard’s AI to aid with email writing and grammatical checking.

4. Crayon AI

Crayon is a powerful image generator that uses AI to produce artwork, pictures, sketches, and other visuals straight from your language descriptions. It is quite similar to Dall-E. The selection is virtually unlimited, and the quality is first-rate. Make use of this for website photos or other promotional materials.

5. Heywire.ai

Heywire is a potent content generator that uses AI to gather material from the Internet and automatically transform it into tales, articles, and other blog forms if your business relies significantly on content. The software makes use of publishable, real-time data that has undergone journalistic validation. The tool may aid in solidifying your reputation as a thought leader in your field for both you and your business. Additionally, based on the content it produces, it may create various “personalities” for anybody you want to be perceived as writing and producing social media postings.

6. Eightify

Ever come upon a very great video, realise how lengthy it is, and think, “I don’t have the time.” The issue is resolved with Eightify. This artificial intelligence (AI) programme will watch the movie for you and then break it down into key areas of interest. We often have to wear all the hats as business owners. Therefore, we need to be educated about a wide range of topics. With this software, we can take in more knowledge than ever before. There is so much fantastic video content that can help us manage our businesses.

7. Temi

As a writer, I have been using Temi for years and cannot live without it! It is a reliable AI-powered transcription service. Temi quickly and nearly flawlessly converts my uploaded audio and video recordings into written text. Additionally, a 10-minute recording’s transcription only costs a few dollars.

8. Feathery

Need a reliable, expert form for your company? An employment application, perhaps? a model quotation? a contact form that website visitors can fill out? Feathery employs AI to quickly produce shapes with a professional appearance. As you develop and modify forms for your business, you may save and edit them. An interface that uses natural language is used for everything.

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9. Interview.ai

Want to get potential workers ready for a job interview? Or perhaps you’re a distant independent contractor or freelancer with a planned client call. The interview makes use of AI. Your speaking abilities will improve thanks to its mock interviews, and its algorithms create interview questions that are specific to the position and the sector. Based on the information you submit in advance, the platform promises to offer specific questions that are both technical and situational.

10. Opus Clip

In our businesses, so many of us use video for promotions, case studies, client testimonials, or even just to create some buzz. Although the movies are posted on our website, we obviously want to do more with them. In this situation, Opus Clip is useful. You may upload a lengthy film to their AI-generated platform, and it will cut it up into shorter, easier-to-digest snippets that can be shared on social media or used in email marketing.

Final Thoughts

That’s quite awesome, isn’t it? And I haven’t even begun to touch the surface here. All of this brings back memories of the early days of the iPhone and other competing smartphones when applications first started emerging and then began to proliferate. I anticipate the same thing to happen during this AI-driven revolution. Therefore, there are still a great many more to come. But while we’re waiting, if you experiment with these tools, I can guarantee you’ll get terrific results and improved productivity.

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