5 Best PS4 and PS5 Games of 2023 You Should Atleast Play Once
There’s no denying it—2023 has been an absolute juggernaut of a year for gaming, possibly one of the greatest we’ve ever seen. Month after month, we’ve been hit with a relentless onslaught of blockbuster releases, each one more electrifying than the last. If you own a PS5, you’ve been at the center of the action, diving headfirst into worlds brimming with danger, wonder, and heart-pounding spectacle.
We’ve clashed with the Dark Side in the farthest reaches of space, carving through enemies with the hum of a lightsaber echoing in our ears. We’ve stalked the streets, fists and blades at the ready, moving with a confidence that only mastery of combat can bring. And we’ve stood before gods, our weapons raised, facing down destiny in battles that shook the very foundations of high fantasy.
This year hasn’t just been memorable—it’s been legendary. And with even more explosive titles on the horizon as we race toward the year’s end, the best may still be yet to come. But before we dive into what’s next, let’s take a pulse-pounding look back at the unforgettable adventures we’ve already survived on PS5—and, in some cases, PS4.
Here are the best PlayStation games for 2023 so far.
The best PS4 and PS5 games of 2023
- Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
- Street Fighter 6
- Final Fantasy 16
- Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores
- Dead Island 2
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

‘Rather than delivering snappy quips that undermine the foundations of this universe – an act often seen in films – the Jedi: Survivor script is premised on unique, tongue-in-cheek moments and characters with real heart. Kestis pokes fun at how much climbing he’s got ahead of him. His ally Merrin, returning form Fallen Order, is an absolute blast with her deadpan snark and playful jibes.
While the action remains reliant on puzzle mechanics that occasionally bog down the main story, improvements across the board – including stunningly deft writing, and a sharp narrative – contribute to a more confident, and wildly more engaging sequel. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has not left its roots behind – but much like Cal Kestis, it has taken great leaps forward into a brighter and more ambitious future.’
Street Fighter 6

‘In allowing you to actually hit the virtual streets, Street Fighter 6 opens itself up to exploring a whole new philosophy about its existence, exploring the reason why we fight and work to get stronger. In doing so, Street Fighter frames one-on-one fighting not as an antagonistic or violent act, but one of collective self-improvement. Jumping into World Tour or the Battle Hub online is exciting, and uplifting. Their paths are lined with positivity, neon graffiti, and catchy uptempo jazz and hip-hop tracks.
Street Fighter 6 is an exceedingly good fighting game. But more than that, it’s an excellent training tool. It’s a fulfilling adventure. It’s a lively community gathering place. It’s an endearingly idealistic and inspiring world of appreciation for martial arts and friendly competition, exceptionally executed in every respect.’
Final Fantasy 16

‘Final Fantasy 16 largely shines as an epic-length action game, though the places where it attempts to find a comfortable compromise between action game and RPG feel largely unambitious, and certainly fade into the background against aspects that are approached with gusto.
However, in the same way it’s hard not to grow a strong affinity for the roguish charms of Cid and the rest of his outlaws, despite their character flaws, it’s difficult not to get swept up by the earnest saga that Final Fantasy 16 eagerly lays out for you, and the egregious heights of spectacle it displays.’
Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores

‘Like its predecessor, Burning Shores tends towards more abstract sci-fi elements, particularly in its final stanza – which includes one of the largest and grandest scale fights in Horizon – but in focusing on character and human relationships, this unique expansion successfully charts tricky waters.
Where Horizon Forbidden West leant heavily into alienating futurism, Burning Shores successfully grounds its stranger elements within a story that remains defiantly human throughout. By its closing curtain, Burning Shores proves definitively that even despotic future warlords are no match for the strength of human bonds.’
Dead Island 2

‘Dead Island 2 is a satisfying, perpetual cycle of gory combat, and its sunny surroundings are just inviting enough to keep that momentum going.
Like a music video, that extraneous colour and flavour don’t really need to make complete sense. Both are an attractive but ultimately cursory facade for the flesh and blood of Dead Island 2 – the constant, thumping blur of feverish hacking and bashing, of gore and viscera, that all swirl together in a cocktail of extreme queasiness. Dead Island 2 is fulfilling in that respect. By the end, it leaves you teetering on that precipice between wanting a little more and feeling satisfied enough. And that’s a good place to be.’