Top 22 Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Tips and Ticks
Excerpt: Unveil the top 22 Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom tips and tricks to elevate your adventure in “Breath of the Wild.” Learn hidden secrets and dominate the game!

Today, we’ll delve into some invaluable tips and tricks for mastering “The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom,” also known as “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.” These insights will undoubtedly enhance your gameplay experience and reveal hidden secrets you might not have been aware of. So, let’s jump right in!
1. Shield Surfing and Gloom Avoidance
A technique you might not have heard of before is Shield surfing with a frozen twist. By attaching a frozen piece of meat or fish to your shield, you can experience an exhilarating boost in speed while surfing down hills and slopes. To create this icy meat shield, simply toss a piece of meat on the ground in a cold area, allowing it to freeze naturally. Then, fuse the frozen meat to your shield using white tutu jelly or iced fruit. This peculiar yet practical tactic can help you glide through areas filled with Gloom, allowing you to avoid confrontation and traverse smoothly.
2. Last-Minute Paraglider Save
Have you ever found yourself paragliding with your stamina bar almost depleted, plummeting rapidly toward the ground? There’s a nifty trick to save yourself from a crash landing. Just before impact, press your paraglider button one last time, and you’ll receive a quick extra boost of gliding power. This last-minute save could spare you from an unpleasant meeting with the ground and grant you a bit more time to explore the skies.
3. Laurel in Village’s Free Treasure
By fixing up Laurel in Village, located south of Hyrule in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you’ll unlock a fantastic daily perk – free treasure! To repair the village, start by defeating all the monsters in the vicinity. Once you accomplish that, head to the lucky treasure shop, where you’ll gain access to three free treasure chests. Usually, you’ll be rewarded with awesome materials from these chests. Initially, you only have access to one free treasure chest. However, there’s a clever trick to open the other two chests. Simply head to the beach and pick up the cooked fish. Offer the cooked fish to the store owner, and in return, you can open the remaining two treasure chests. This grants you a total of three free treasure chests every single day. Additionally, on the beach, you’ll find another free treasure chest containing some rupees that you can open daily.
4. Daily Free Meal and Horse Stat Boosts
Adjacent to the treasure shop, there’s a restaurant that offers one free meal every day. Don’t miss out on this daily treat! Also, if you’re seeking to improve your horse’s stats, visit the horse god, Melania, located in the northeast of Hyrule. Melania will require a specific meal to enhance a particular stat. So, bring the right meals to increase your horse’s strength, speed, stamina, or pulling power. Moreover, the horse god can even revive any of your previously owned horses.
5. Gerudo Weapon Attack Boost
To unleash some serious damage, consider fusing material into a Gerudo weapon. When you do this, the weapon’s attack power doubles. For example, fusing material with an attack power of 50 will result in an attack power of 100 when attached to the Gerudo weapon, in addition to the weapon’s base attack power. Keep this in mind when you need to deal devastating blows to your enemies.
6. Homing Arrows with Monster Eye
When dealing with agile enemies, attaching a monster eye to your arrow grants it a homing effect. This will help you hit particularly mobile foes with greater accuracy and effectiveness.
7. Temperature Resistance with Gems
To combat extreme temperatures, you can fuse a ruby to your weapon or shield for cold resistance or sapphire for heat resistance. This allows you to explore freezing or scorching regions without worrying about Link’s well-being.
8. Dazzle Fruit and Skeleton Enemies
For a swift and stylish way to defeat skeleton enemies (style enemies), use Dazzle Fruit. Simply throw the fruit near the enemies, and it will explode like a flash grenade, instantly taking them out. This tactic works on normal skeleton-type enemies but not on bosses or mini-bosses.
9. Ascend with Firewood Balloons
If you’ve completed the “Mystery in the Depths” quest and obtained the auto offer, take it, but if you don’t have enough space, make sure you drop any opal that you have, as they sell for a lot anyway, so if you pick up one opal, then you can only drop them at the shop for the same price as one opal. Also, it might sound obvious, but always climb up higher to make sure you’re on the highest point to get more height for your glider. So when you’re on a high point, use the glider with your fans, and you’re good to go.
11. Shrine Connections Between Surface and Depths
Did you know that every Shrine on the surface is connected to a light root in the depths? If you’re having trouble locating a light root in the depths but know the location of a Shrine on the surface, simply go to the shrine on your map, press down to switch to the depth map, and place a pin marker at the corresponding location in the depths. This way, you can easily find the light root below. Fun fact: the name of the light root is actually the reversed name of the shrine it’s connected to.
12. Revealing Caves with Cherry Blossom Fruit
To uncover all the caves around an area, offer fruit at a cherry blossom tree. Once you do this, Satori, a blue horse-like creature, will visit you. Beams of light will then shoot up from the cave entrances in the vicinity, revealing their locations. This trick is especially handy when you’re on the hunt for bubble frogs or bubble gems.
13. Managing Stone Talus Drops
After defeating a Stone Talus, they will offer you some precious ores. If you don’t have enough space in your inventory, drop any opals you have as they sell for a high price. Opt to pick up just one opal so that you can drop it at the shop for the same value as a single opal. sound when you’re near any ore deposit. This will save you time and effort when searching for valuable gems to sell and earn more rupees.
16. Efficient Cooking for More Rupees
For a profitable venture, consider cooking multiple ingredients together and selling them as meals instead of selling the individual ingredients separately. Some meals can fetch over 300 rupees per sale, especially those made with higher-quality meats. So, if you’re in need of quick rupees, whip up some delicious meals or elixirs and watch the profits roll in.
17. Talus Aggravation with Motherboard Arrows
To create some chaos and gain an advantage in battle, attach a motherboard to an arrow and shoot it at a Talus. The Talus will be aggravated and throw off all the enemies on its back, providing you with an opportunity to take them out easily. This trick also works with other enemies who throw things at you, such as explosive barrels.
18. Stun Talus by Returning Its Rocks
When a Talus throws rocks at you, you can retaliate by recording a rock in mid-air and throwing it back at the Talus. The rock will hit the Talus, stunning it momentarily. Use this opening to climb on top of the stunned Talus and deal massive damage. This tactic can also work with other projectiles thrown by enemies.
19. Check Your Playtime
Curious about the hours you’ve invested in “Tears of the Kingdom”? On your Nintendo Switch home page, head to your profile, and you’ll find your playtime for the game listed. Let us know in the comments how many hours you’ve clocked so far!
20. Dun Duns and Jewels
To transform your luminous stones into valuable jewels like rubies, topaz, or sapphires, head to Bronis Forest near Lake Floria. There, you’ll find the Dun Duns, adorable creatures eager to consume your luminous stones. Simply drop the stones in front of them, and the Dun Duns will eat them. However, you’ll need to leave the area and give the game some real-time, around 10 to 20 minutes, without pausing or being on a menu. Once you return, you’ll find that the Dun Duns have produced jewels! Who knew picking up poop could be such a lucrative way to earn rupees?
21. Romella in Goron Town
In Goron Town, you’ll encounter Romella, a Gerudo NPC who will buy jewels from you at a higher price than general stores. To access Romella, talk to the two Gorons outside Goron Town, who will initially offer to buy jewels from you at a low price. Politely decline their offer, and Romella will step in and ask them to back off. After this, you’ll find Romella at her designated spot in Goron Town. However, keep in mind that Romella will only purchase jewels in batches of 10, be it ambers, rubies, diamonds, or topazes. Make sure to sell her 10 of the same type before moving on to the next jewel.
22. Maximize Rupee Earnings
By combining the previously mentioned tips for obtaining rupees and jewels and selling gems in batches of 10 to Romella, you’ll soon find yourself with an impressive surplus of rupees. Enjoy your newfound wealth!
We hope you find The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom tips and tricks helpful in enhancing your adventures in “Breath of the Wild.” If any of these tips proved useful to you, we’d greatly appreciate a like on this video. And for more exciting content, check out the other insight on that has just appeared on the screen.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Question: How does Shield Surfing with a Frozen Twist work in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom?
Shield surfing with a frozen twist involves attaching a frozen piece of meat or fish to your shield to gain awesome speed while surfing down hills and slopes. This icy meat shield allows you to avoid Gloom and traverse challenging terrain smoothly.
2. Question: What’s the trick to saving Myself from a Crash Landing during Paragliding in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom?
Just before you hit the ground during paragliding with low stamina, press your paraglider button one last time to get a quick extra boost of gliding power, granting you more airtime to find safe landing spots.
3. Question: How can I Access the free treasure in Laurel in the Village in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom?
To access free treasure in Laurel in Village, defeat all the monsters in the area, then head to the lucky treasure shop to open three free treasure chests. Additionally, picking up a cooked fish from the beach lets you unlock two more treasure chests, giving you three free ones daily.
4. Question: How can I Improve My Horse’s Stats in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom?
Visit the horse god, Melania, in the northeast of Hyrule, and bring specific meals to increase your horse’s strength, speed, stamina, or pulling power. Melania can also revive your previously owned horses.
5. Question: How can I Double the Attack Power of My Gerudo Weapons in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom?
Fuse material with your Gerudo weapon to double its attack power. For example, if the material has an attack power of 50, the weapon’s attack power will become 100, in addition to its base attack power.
6. Question: How can I Achieve the homing effect with Arrows in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom?
For a homing effect, attach a monster eye to your arrow when dealing with agile enemies, ensuring better accuracy when shooting mobile foes.
7. Question: How can I Resist Extreme Temperatures in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom? Fuse a ruby to your weapon or shield for cold resistance, or sapphire for heat resistance, allowing you to explore freezing or scorching regions safely.
8. Question: What’s the Use of Dazzle Fruit in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom?
Dazzle Fruit can instantly defeat normal skeleton-type enemies (style enemies) when thrown nearby, acting like a flash grenade, eliminating the need to engage in close combat.
9. Question: How can I Ascend to Great Heights in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom?
Use firewood balloons after completing the “Mystery in the Depths” quest and obtaining the auto offer ability. Light the firewood in the balloon to ascend to great heights for a unique aerial perspective.
10. Question: How can I Transform Luminous Stones into Valuable Jewels in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom?
To turn luminous stones into valuable jewels like rubies, topaz, or sapphires, visit Dun Duns in Bronis Forest near Lake Floria. Drop the luminous stones in front of them, and after a delay, they will produce jewels for you to collect.